Activating the 3rd Manipura Chakra


“The energy lies within you, but, like a furnace, it needs to be ignited and channeled appropriately.”

We first connected with our physical bodies, the environment and the earth in the Muladhara chakra. Second, we awoke our creative and sexual energies in the Svadisthana chakra. With these roots established our energy levels rise, the fire within us is stoked, and we are able to transform that energy into positive action. In Sanskrit, this fire is called Tejas. Strong Tejas gives us the inner drive needed to move forward and accomplish our dreams. With a balanced third chakra, we are self confident, motivated and have a strong sense of purpose.

Location: Above the navel, slightly below solar plexus
Color: Yellow

Healing stone associated with the Manipura Chakra-Yellow topaz, golden yellow labradorite, and tiger-eye stones are all great gems to enhance your sense of personal power.

Deficient Qualities- Weak, Passive, Tired
Excessive Qualities- Controlling, Dominating, Constantly Active

Physical Association- Digestive system, digestive fire, metabolism. Keep balanced by avoiding overly spicy foods, drinking too much alcohol/caffeine/soda, not overeating, and drinking room temperature water.

Focus in yoga practice- Bringing heat to the solar plexus area. Mentally, practice visual manifestation and imagine yourself achieving your goals. Repeat mantras of power, focusing on the qualities you like about yourself. Words and thoughts are powerful. When we master control of them, happiness is in our control. Spiritually, surrender to your inner dreams and desires. As you meditate in asana practice, observe your mind, allowing ideas and repressed dreams to surface.

It’s your practice.
Your body.
Your mind.
Your spirit.
Only you can master it.

Asana Flow For 3rd Chakra:

Optional breathing exercise: Kapalabhati, “breath of fire”

1. Standing side stretch


2. Adho Mukha Svanasana, Downward facing dog

3. Virabhadrasana/Warrior I, II, III


4. Trikonasana, Triangle

5. Ardha Chandrasana, Standing Half Moon

6. Utthita Parsvakonasana, Extended Side Angle

7. Phalakasana, Plank

8. Paripurna Navasana, Boat


9. Desk Pose

10. Purvottanasana, Inclined Plane


11. Vasisthasana, Side Plank

12. Parighasana 1, Gate Pose

13. Salabhasana, Locust


14. Dhanurasana, Bow Pulling Pose

15. Ardha Matsyendrasana, Seated Twist

16. Savasana
